Стихи Eilėraščiai Poetry


To life the lily came when muck it overcame!

По следам проповеди: 

A tiny seed lay in the pond.
He stuck in muck and rotten mud.
The little seed did sigh, despond:
God’s gene in anguish ached at heart…

He felt that muck was not his “passion”;
Yet he did not his essence grasp.
But God for greater works him fashioned
That he would not in darkness gasp.

And so one day reached down a ray –
A ray of spring, reviving sun.
That tiny seed’s gloom went away,
And soul’s shutters were undone.

That gene of God was suddenly set free:
He cheered up and to the sun he smiled.
Then he began to grow in water like a tree
Until into the light he entered as a child.

Now from the pond he came into the air,
And on its surface his flowers he did spread.
Yes, finally, he vanquished and came there
For sake of what from miry clay he fled!

And now by looking in the pond’s reflection
The little seed his nature’s essence learned:
’Cause now the water lily in perfection
By Jesus – the Great Lily was transformed!

We also, like that tiny seed, have seen
The ray of the theophany from Heaven!
Through Message Light we are no longer green –
The muck of sin is gone with worldly leaven!

We now the Lily of the Valley do reflect
And peace-shalom in our soul does abide.
By this we show that we are God’s elect
And give Him all preeminence as Bride.