Свидетельство Liudijimas Testimony

Brother Stanislovas


A few weeks ago I testified that the Lord healed me from radiculitis. However, for about eight years already I have had another chronic disease – problems with the prostate. Whenever we pray, I also pray concerning this issue.

My physician suspected cancer and was thinking whether to send me for biopsy or not... I was postponing this medical test for a long time – it was kind of frightening... Finally I agreed to go through this medical examination two months later (exactly during these weeks). They examined me, but I was afraid again to call them and to find out the result. Nevertheless, I gathered my courage and made that phone call... The results turned out to be very fine – I have no cancer.

When the doctor told me about the results of the medical test, I was so happy that I exclaimed, “Hallelujah!” The doctor replied, “Hallelujah! I don’t know what else I can add.”

I am grateful to you all!