Свидетельство Liudijimas Testimony

Sister Sofia


I want to briefly testify for the glory of the Lord.

On Saturday I took my bath and I went out to the balcony with my hair still wet. And that disease returned to me from which I suffered while I was working at school. Back then we needed to air the classroom after every lesson. I was in the draught and because of it my head would start aching; half of my head was simply growing numb – it was such a feeling as if my brain ached. And this strong pain continued for months.

So, on Saturday, as I was going to the church service by trolleybus, I felt that namely that half of my head began aching sharply again... And the following thought dawned on me, “Well, you’d better return home because there are air-conditioners in this sanctuary and air moves there constantly...”

When I came here, my headache became even stronger. But then such confidence filled me that I am there where the living God is — so the air-conditioners and draughts are out of the picture... God is powerful in all things! That’s my belief...

I returned to my seat being confident that by the end of the service this pain will be gone (although years ago such headaches would last for months and they became chronic). And it really happened so – by the end of the service all pain vanished and so far nothing has bothered me. I am completely healthy. Glory to God!