I wish to say this, my friends: I am not a healer; I cannot heal people. I don't believe there's any man, doctor, hospital, or medicine that can heal people. I believe that healing lays in God alone.

Now, a doctor can move an obstruction; he can set a bone, pull a tooth, take out a tumor. But that doesn't heal. That merely just moves the obstruction. God does the healing. Healing is creation. It's to create and to rebuild, and no medicine can rebuild your body. Only God alone can rebuild. That's right. God is the one who heals.



We’ve got to turn loose every shadow and sail towards God's eternal promise. Oh, if we'll do that, Jesus will perform an operation upon our faith, taking away all the doubt, all the fears, all the worry, all the sin, everything there is. And then, when our faith is clearly operated on, we come out a new creature. We're different then.

We need an operation.