Свидетельство Liudijimas Testimony

Sister Anna B.


I want to testify for the glory of God.

Back in summer the problems with my throat began. Most probably, the inflammation of lymph nodes started, and the physicians couldn’t say anything. They thought that infection got into the salivary gland, or something else... Just a slight overcooling – my throat was beginning to get sore, and I was getting sick.

If you noticed, as Bro. Pavel was praying, he said, “Perhaps, doctors don’t know it, they may say this, that or the other...” I am looking – my, he is speaking about me, exactly about the same situation as mine!

During the prayer, I felt that my throat stopped aching, and when I returned to my seat, the pain resumed. I thought, “What in the world is going on now?..” But I knew that I was healed because it was mentioned about me in that prayer.

My throat was aching one evening – I didn’t tell anyone about it, I kept praising the Lord, “Glory to God, I am healed!” Next evening – I still have a sore throat... But today, at work, I noticed that the pain vanished completely. I can be here and I am perfectly healthy, completely healed! Glory to the Lord!